Sunday, June 17, 2007

For The Depressed


hey world..
look at me..

even when burned...
i do not burn
even when drowned...
i do not drown
even when my neck is stranggled...
i do not run out of air
even if i am killed...
i will not die

when the sun is at east
i exist
when the sun is at the west
i still exist

when the sun no longer exist
i still exist
when the moonlight shine or not
i always exist

hey world
i remain to stand still here
you may try to crumble me
as i will not move
any kind of storm
cannot change my position

i will not die
as long as You are my lover
i will fear nothing
as long as You are my father
i will not have doubts
as long as You are my mother

as for whatever it is that You have written for me
it must be a very wonderful story

hey world
my body will die
my life is uncertain
but the most certain i know
my soul is eternal

"ronggo wisnu prihadi"